What Do Those Warning Lights On Your Dashboard Mean?

When the warning light signals on your dashboard, you can easily go into the owner's manual for your vehicle to figure out what that sign means, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you are going to know what to do about it. Often times, people know what the warning signal means, but don't know what their first step to take should be. Here's what you should know: The Brake Fluid Warning Light: If the brake fluid warning light has turned on, you need to get your whole braking system checked right away.

Time For Your Kid To Drive To College? Simple Steps To Make Sure Their Car Is Ready For The Trip

Now that summer is winding down, it's time for kids to start heading off to college. If your kid is going to be leaving for college, you'll want to make sure they're fully prepared for the adventure. If they'll be driving to college, that preparation should include taking a closer look at the car they'll be driving. The last thing you want is to have them stranded on the side of the road somewhere between home and college.

How To Replace A Coolant Sensor On A Vehicle

Newer vehicle use a coolant temperature sensor to calculates the engine's running temperature, which adjusts itself to prevent overheating by alerting you when the engine temperature is too high. Poor fuel economy, coolant leaks, and an overheating engine are common signs of coolant sensor failure. Sometimes, replacement is the only option, and you don't always need a mechanic to fix it. You should be able to replace the sensor yourself by following these guidelines.

Squeaking Noises In The Rear Of Your Car

Squeaking noises coming from the back of your car can be distracting and even embarrassing. Generally, squeaking noises from that area don't usually indicate that something serious is imminent, but it can mean that you might need repairs down the road. Unlike the front of the car, most models don't have a whole lot of moving parts in the rear of the car, so the problems can be tracked down more easily.

Why Auto Air Conditioning Is Important For Preventing Elderly Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is a serious condition that affects hundreds, if not thousands, of seniors every year. Even worse, it can actually occur while they are driving in severe heat conditions. Thankfully, it is possible to avoid this problem by using auto air conditioning. Heat Exhaustion While Driving Is Dangerous Heat exhaustion occurs when the body overheats and temporarily shuts down to prevent serious damage. As a result, people who suffer from heat stroke are likely to grow dizzy or even faint while driving.